Leverage game-changing technologies, including digital twin and artificial intelligence, to optimize your facility and its connection to the global supply chain.
Digital Twin is the Data and its utilization:
• Enriched data foundation for decision-making
• More complete and precise context
• Visual experience improvement
• Simplified and visual user experience
• Augments human decision-making
Seamless integration with troubleshooting and
continuous improvements
Diagnose more precisely.
Actions that prevent performance impact.
Uniform user response.
Alarms triggering, configuration, and classification.
Injecting a continuous improvement capability at execution.
Learning from best performers and practices
Evolution of organization at control room for a more data-driven and analytical approach.
Connecting decision domains.
Deep analysis coupled with trouble-shooting and user behavior insights to improve exceptions handling and contingency management.
Clearly identify efficiency opportunities, including energy usage and emissions.
Cross-domain data analytics to instrument data-driven decision-making processes, serving both planning and execution.